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Update Action! PC Sports Games
with the latest game files. 

These files include
all corrections, updates, & play-by-play
as of the date listed. Most update files include very minor revisions.

Service Updates

  1. Save the download file into your computer by clicking the appropriate link below.

  2. Double-click the zip file to open it.

  3. Right-click the application file and choose copy.

  4. Browse to your main game folder. Example: c:\Program Files(x86)\Baseball 2016.

  5. Right-click within that folder and choose paste. You'll be prompted to copy and replace the existing file.

  6. To verify the date of your game version, choose Help/About from the opening game screen.

Note: Products purchased after the following revision dates do not need to be updated.

Note:  If you encounter a 'fatal error' after extracting the file, you have either installed it in the wrong folder or you do not have a proper registered version of the game. If you do not currently own the Action! PC product listed below, the downloaded files will not execute.

     Action! PC Football

To service the 2024 edition:

Download: Football2024 9-17-2024.zip

Revision date: 9/17/2024

To service the 2023 edition:

Download: Football2023 1-25-24.zip

Revision date: 1/25/2024

To service the 2022 edition:

Download: Football2022.zip

Revision date: 11/10/2022

To service the 2021 edition:

Download: Football2021.zip

Revision date: 2/4/2022


      Action! PC Hockey

To service the 2023 edition:

Download: Hockey2023 6-19-2024.zip

Revision date: 6/19/2024

To service the 2022 edition:

Download: Hockey2022.zip

Revision date: 3/23/2023

To service the 2021 edition:

Download: Hockey2021.zip

Revision date: 1/24/2022


      Action! PC Baseball

To service the 2024 edition:
Download: Baseball2024 9-17-2024.zip
Revision date: 9/17/2024

To service the 2023 edition:
Download: Baseball2023.zip
Revision date: 10/5/2023

To service the 2022 edition:
Download: Baseball2022.zip
Revision date: 11/11/2022


     Action! PC Basketball

To service the 2023 edition:

Download: Basketballl2023 6-19-24.zip

Revision date: 6/19/2024

To service the 2022 edition:

Download: Basketballl2022.zip

Revision date: 3/23/2022

To service the 2021 edition:

Download: Basketballl2021.zip

Revision date: 11/13/2021


  Action! PC Golf

To service the 2020 edition:

Self-extracting file: http://dksports.com/GolfUpdate2020/Golf2020Update.exe

Regular zip file:  http://dksports.com/GolfUpdate2020/Golf2020Update.zip

Revision date: 10/9/2020